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Sunday, October 19

The Strangers (2008)

While staying at the isolated summer home, a young couple, Kristen McKay and James Hoyt, are terrorized by three masked individuals. Much of the film revolves around the strangers first cutting off their means of communication (such as destroying and stealing the phones in the house) and then lowering any other chances of escape (such as destroying James’ car and then setting Mike’s car on fire). After this is done, the strangers then continue to carry out their plan of murdering the couple, which is revealed when the doll-faced masked stranger says to Kristen, “You’re gonna die here”. The couple is soon overpowered by the sheer number and terrorizing antics of the strangers and then knocked unconscious and tied up. The shades are opened to show that morning has come, and the three strangers begin taking off their masks. Although their faces are never fully revealed to the audience, removing their masks shows that they will soon carry out their plans to kill the couple. The male stranger then picks up a chefs knife and begins stabbing James slowly and repeatedly, then hands the knife to another stranger who then stabs James until the third stranger takes the knife and begins stabbing Kristen. The three strangers are then seen driving away in a pick-up truck, passing by two young, Christian boys. One proclaims, “Next time, it will be easier.” Although it is presumed that the main characters have been killed, the last scene shows the couple untied and James dead, with Kristen presumed dead. The two boys from earlier explore the house, eventually finding the couple. One boy touches Kristen’s face and she begins screaming wildly.

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